Intermediate Cyber Security

Encompassing cloud security, data protection, and identity and privileged access management, intermediate cyber security ensures the secure use of cloud services, safeguards sensitive data from unauthorized access, and controls user identities and access to resources.

Encompassing cloud security, data protection, and identity and privileged access management, intermediate cyber security aims to provide a higher level of protection by ensuring the secure use of cloud services, safeguarding sensitive data from loss, theft, or unauthorized access, and managing user identities and their access to resources.

Cloud security involves protecting data, applications, and infrastructure in the cloud through encryption, access control, and threat detection. Data protection focuses on preventing data loss and unauthorized access by implementing encryption, data loss prevention, and backup and recovery solutions.

Intermediate Cyber Security


Cloud Security

Ensures the secure use of cloud services by protecting data, applications, and infrastructure in the cloud. Cloud security solutions include encryption, access control, and threat detection.

  • AWS
  • Alibaba Cloud
  • AppOmni

Data Protection

Safeguards sensitive data from loss, theft, or unauthorized access. Data protection solutions include encryption, data loss prevention, and backup and recovery.

  • arcserve
  • Delphix
  • Digital Guardian
  • Proofpoint

Identity and Privileged Access Management

Manages and controls user identities and their access to resources. IAM solutions ensure that only authorized individuals have access to specific data and systems, and privileged access management for administrator accounts and access to different software and platforms.

  • Okta
  • Delinea
  • Jumpcloud
  • Sailpoint